The Back to Life System utilizes tests and checklist to inprove your health. When you do this it decreases your bodies inflammation naturally. In order to improve your scores you will often need to implement some supplements to remove chemical irritants causing imflamation. Below is a form showing the “Bad Guys” on the left that cause inflammation and the “Good Guys” that decrease inflammation on the right. Below on the form is the supplements available at our office or to be ordered through our office to you.
The Back to Life System utilizes test and checkist to improve your overall health. When you do it decreases inflammation in your body naturally. In order to improve your scores you might have to eat differently. Below is a list of Acid-Alkaline Foods that will help improve your scores. Eat the Alkaline foods to reduce inflammation and improve your PH score.
Greatly reduce intake of meat, dairy, saturated fat and sugar
These foods collectively tend to promote PGE-2 and LTB-4 production and 5-HT release from platelets, and both of these chemicals cause pain, muscle spasm and joint restriction. These foods are also the ones that are thought to cause most of the degenerative diseases that Americans die from such as cancer, heart disease, strokes and diabetes. Important point: this does not say eliminate meat but that it must be balanced with liberal amounts of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
High sugar diets are typically deficient in the nutrients needed to prevent the release of most of the other chemical irritants. The average American consumes about 100 pounds of sugar each year.
Eliminate refined (fiberless) grains/grain products
Refined/processed grains and flours are deficient in vitamins, such as the B-complex, and minerals, such as magnesium and iron. Deficiencies in these nutrients can promote pain and inflammation. Refined grains/flours are also fiberless, so they promote constipation which is associated with colon and other types of cancer.
Enjoy large amounts of fruits, vegetables and whole grains/grain products
All of the nutrients that help reduce the production of chemical irritants are found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The level of consumption of these products for Americans is REMOTE so we as Americans are automatically prone to pain and inflammation.
Drink at least 1 to 1 ½ quarts of water per/day
40% to 60% of an individuals weight is water. Try to drink water purified by reversed osmosis (available at Krogers and other stores).
If you can, drink at least 1 pint of fresh vegetable juice per day
This is the best way to get a healthy supply of vitamins and minerals. Carrots, celery, a beet, a little kale, and some ginger is a wonderful combination. Many health food stores have a juice bar and many stores have juice in bottles. The Vita Mixer is a blender that will produce juice from whole vegetable and fruits.
Take appropriate nutritional supplements
Available here or health food stores. Not all nutritional supplements are created equal so be careful of what you buy. The absorption, quantities of nutrients and combinations of the nutrients are all major factors that a supplement will be effective.
If you don’t think your kids or you can eat all the alkaline foods each day then one of my favorites is Juice Plus products. JP has all the fruits and vegetables there in a capsule or gummie. Order yours today: Juice Plus Store