9HM6+PM La Grange, Kentucky
(502) 241-1122

Arches Category

Back To Life Chiropractic

Arches of the feet made the 7 Wellness Attributes of the Back to Life System because of all the effects it has on the body and how easily it can be corrected. Correcting the 3 arches of the feet has drastic positive effects on the body creating a Wellness attribute that snowballs to other areas. When you lose the arch of your foot it will rotate your knee and hip anteriorly which will lower your sacrum causing spinal curvature. Your sacrum being out of alignment can cause the arch of your foot to collapse in order to lower your sacrum and keep your spine level.

There are two tests below to figure out your Arch Score. One is a visual test and one is done by a 3D scanner like the one we have at our office.

Individual Score Sheets for Arches:

If your scores are not in the Wellness category than orthotic supports might be what you need to correct them. Dr. Schuler has been utilizing the Foot Levelers custom made orthotics since 1995 with great success. Below is a short video about them, the catalog of the type of orthotics you can buy from us and the current prices.

Companion Forms:

Foot Levelers Catalog
