9HM6+PM La Grange, Kentucky
(502) 241-1122

Find our more about your Subluxations

Back To Life Chiropractic

Find out more about your subluxations Dr. Schuler has marked on your Nerve Chart or Subluxation Tracker card using the Subluxation Tracker section of our website.

A subluxation is a minor misalignment of the spine causing nerve interference.   Your body communicates from the brain through the spinal cord, spinal nerves and peripheral nervous system.  Your body communicates back to the brain through your nervous system.   Your nerves are like wires but much more delicate.   They are protected by the skull and vertebrae of your spine.  The spine must allow movement so you can move but protect the delicate nerves.  Abnormal stresses can cause your vertebrae to become misaligned causing nerve interference.   Spinal joints and nerves that are stressed cause pain, muscle imbalance, and nerve interference to the tissue and organs they supply.  Each vertebrae causes certain pain patterns called sclerotome pain, muscles cause certain pain patterns and tingling as seen on trigger point charts and nerves cause certain problems according to what tissues and organs they supply as seen on a nerve chart.

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