Prescriptions are necessary at times and save lives but they do drain the body of essential nutrients needed for health. So, the longer you take them the more you need to check your body symptoms of side effects. Utilizing the Balancing Body Chemistry test or Nutritec Survey Test you can see what systems are being drained of nutrients and which supplements are needed. So, please use the Back to Life System Nutritional Category tests to monitor this. Also, want to get more high tech then the Zyto helps tests which organ systems are out of balance. So, combining the test helps pin point troubled organs so you can start improving them. Get Back to Life and don’t let prescriptions keep you in Crisis.
Livotrit Plus$39.90
Ultra Energy Bars (12 Box) Caramel/Sea Salt$44.50
Ginkgo Biloba (60 T)$19.00
BioDoph-7 Plus$34.50
Beta TCP 90 tablets$18.50
Chlorella Caps (180c)$23.50
MobiJoint (120)$35.00
Colon Care Powder$52.00
Formula 249 Multivitamin Multimineral Iron Free (90t)$28.50