I’ve received a great deal of feedback on last weeks piece citing the studies on how the way we think has a direct impact on the expression of our DNA and overall health. This is a very hot subject right now and is commonly referred to as the brain-body connection. But how does this work?
Your subconscious brain runs your body. You don’t have to think about how to heal a cut finger, digest your lunch, or coordinate the millions of chemical reactions that are going on in your body at all times. You can’t! This is all coordinated by your subconscious mind through your nervous system automatically. This subconscious mind was designed through the perfection of creation and its purpose is to promote optimal survival in response to whatever life throws at us. If we are confronted by a bear in the woods, the subconscious shifts our physiology automatically into a flight-fight mode to either fight or run from the bear by altering our function, hormones, and over time our DNA. The catch here is that the bear doesn’t even have to be real – the subconscious doesn’t know the difference between a real life-threatening stress or a perceived one from our five senses and conscious mind. This is why prolonged stresses over work, relationships, or life in general keep us in fight-flight mode with such devastating effects to our body. This is why feelings of guilt, anger, fear, and judgment over time can move us into a state of dis-ease. The good news is that positive feelings such as gratitude, joy, love, and forgiveness actually override the negative thinking part of the brain and can reverse the process. In the end, the only thing you can really control is what you put your attention on and either way you choose to think, positive or negative, becomes a habit in time but you get to choose.
The Back to Life System uses the HearthMath system to help reduce devastating effects of prolonged stresses on your body. Call today to set up your free session.