Furlough Care Outreach
Being a member of the CCA we offer Furlough Care to home bound missionaries and their immediate family.
The Christian Chiropractors Association has for 25 years offered gratis* chiropractic care for field missionaries while home on furlough. This service is extended to missionaries and their immediate families who are home in the United States on a furlough basis and will be returning to the foreign field in two years or less. It was initiated to minister to those who do not have access to regular chiropractic care on their field of service.This program can also be used by missionaries who are on deputation and are about to leave for the foreign field for an extended period of time of one year or more.We know that the better our missionary friends feel physically, the better job they can do for our Lord.Regrettably, local or Mission Home Office staff are not eligible for the service unless they make special arrangements personally with their local doctors. We have some Mission Home Offices with very large staffs of missionaries who work and live full-time in the U.S.. To request a doctor to extend continual care to people in that situation would be unfair and economically impossible to deliver.If you would like more information about our FURLOUGH CARE PROGRAM, please feel free to call the Home Office of the CCA at 1-800-999-1970 and we will be happy to see if we have a participating doctor in your area or answer any questions you may have.
*Gratis care is determined by individual doctors and not guaranteed by the CCA. Some offices may only be able to offer discounted rates or make other allowances. Also any gratis care only includes chiropractic adjustments. Diagnostic care (i.e. X-rays) may be discounted but in most cases will incur a charge. We ask missionaries to communicate with the office staff of a participating doctor prior to their treatment to find out what their policies are in regards to furlough care.
“Dear friend, you are doing a good work for God in taking care of the traveling teachers and missionaries who are passing through. They have told the church here of your friendship and your loving deeds. I am glad when you send them on their way with a generous gift. For they are traveling for the Lord,…..So we ourselves should take care of them in order that we may.

Christian Chiropractor Furlough Care Team Mission
- by OriginalRhino
- on June 23, 2023