I’ve had several questions regarding fibromyalgia lately – a condition characterized by constant joint and muscle pain and exhaustion. About four percent of the population is afflicted by this syndrome, with 9 out of 10 cases being women. The official cause of fibromyalgia is still unknown, but I would agree with most the experts who believe this condition is largely a physical response to emotional stress, depression, and anxiety.
The medical approach to this condition is a variety of medicines with limited results. I’ve done some research and wanted to share some lifestyle approaches for relief of this condition. These approaches should come as no surprise as they are the same strategies for general health and wellness – diet, exercise and de-stressing. For diet, a focus on fruits and vegetables is critical to decrease inflammation. Take the PH test at our office which is part of the Back to Life System. Likewise, I would do a regular detoxification program and avoid foods such as corn, wheat, dairy and soy. For exercise, I recommend starting off light to avoid irritation with a goal of working up to 200 minutes a week of both strength and cardiovascular exercises. Stress is the complicated factor and many times the stress that triggered the fibromyalgia symptoms, whether it be related to job, family, or finances, is still present and preventing healing. Nevertheless, I would recommend trying different things such as yoga, massage, and acupuncture. Making time for hobbies can also be effective. Another strategy that keeps coming up in the research is a technique called EFT (emotional freedom technique). This is a procedure that a person can learn to do on themselves and is described as acupuncture without the needles. We now offer a AK meridian releasing technique utilizing our Zyto scan and AK knowledge.
Sign up for your free scan today. Finally, since there is so much joint, muscle and nerve pain associated with fibromyalgia, regular chiropractic care is often very effective at relieving symptoms, but I find it works best in conjunction with these other lifestyle modifications.