9HM6+PM La Grange, Kentucky
(502) 241-1122

Author: OriginalRhino

Back To Life Chiropractic


Instead of treating the symptoms of ASTHMA, let us locate and correct the cause. The energy to your muscular bands is your bronchial tubes is supplied by nerves and when irritated, those nerves cause your muscles to contract. Subluxation of vertebrae, usually in the upper thoracic(back) region, may pinch a nerve which causes irritation. The…
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Did you know that your stomach functions are controlled by your nervous system? Information, or directions from brain, travel through your nerves trough your spinal column and lead to your stomach. If your spine becomes subluxated, your nerves have trouble sending messages to your stomach. So your spine and nervous system is extremely important as…
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Any sudden whipping or jerking motion of the neck and head in any direction is considered as Whiplash! Usually the head and neck will recoil very quickly in the opposite direction. The most common cause of Whiplash? CAR ACCIDENTS! Varied physical injuries may result: trauma to arteries and nerves; dislocated or broken bones; strained or…
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Do you know what Degenerative Disc Disease is? Essentially, it is an exaggeration of the normal aging process. Over a period of time, one’s discs lose fluid and shrink. This causes vertebrae, which the discs separate, to move closer together and cause pressure on the nerves that exit from the intervertebral foramen. Because of the…
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The main “Highway” of your nervous system is your SPINAL COLUMN. All body parts are regulated by nerves flowing from your spinal column. If your spinal column becomes misaligned or ‘subluxated’, the energy flow of the nervous system becomes interrupted. Thus, part of your body receives too much or too little energy flow. One result…
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Here is an interesting point for smokers. Did you know that smoking could actually intensify your back pain? Smoking causes constriction of the blood vessels; including in your back. Smoking also causes coughing, putting pressure on the discs in your back, which can cause healing delays of injured spinal structures. Speak to us today, if…
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Do you have stomach discomfort? We are talking about ulcers or digestive problems. Your stomach’s functions are controlled by nerves which lead to your stomach through the nervous system. This comes directly down the spinal column. If your spinal column is sublaxated (or misaligned), your nerves have trouble sending messages to your stomach. Talk to…
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The common cold? Your chiropractor can help Whether you feel good or bad, whether you have high or low resistance can depend on your nerve energy supply. The stronger your body is, the better chance you have resisting a cold. The brain distributes nerve energy down your spinal column and even a slight jar can…
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Facet pain (imbrication/syndrome) A great deal of back pain is caused by facet joints. Facet pain is mainly localized to one side of the spine. It may occur in the outside hip, buttock and/or leg. It rarely comes from below the knees and discomfort is aggravated by standing or walking. Facets were meant to help…
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Do you suffer from upper back, neck, arm or shoulder pain? Do you know someone who does? These are conditions that usually can be treated quite successfully by chiropractic. Through consultation and examination, the cause of this pain can be determined. With gentle spinal manipulation, the cause of these problems can be removed and restore…
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