9HM6+PM La Grange, Kentucky
(502) 241-1122

Author: OriginalRhino

Back To Life Chiropractic

photo of woman walking

Try This

In the past I’ve mentioned the benefits of meditation to reduce the stress response.  Meditation has been proven to reduce your heart rate, breathing and blood pressure and help maximize oxygen to your cells.  Likewise, this simple habit can lower cortisol levels from the adrenal glands and improve your immune function.  When you reduce the…
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closeup photo of person s feet in the air


There are many types of orthotics, but we are going to talk about two. Prescription and custom orthotics. Prescription orthotics are ones to correct a diagnosed, correctable abnormality in your feet and leg functions. Over time they can bring your foot muscles and bones back into proper alignment. Like braces for your teeth. Custom orthotics…
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turned on grey table lamp

It’s That Time Again

If you’ve been a regular reader you may recognize that this is a repeat article on seasonal affective disorder or S.A.D.  This condition is more commonly referred to as the “winter blues” and it is characterized by a sense of depression that starts in the fall and ends in the spring and is accompanied by…
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Back to Life Transformation Journal 2022 is Here. Start Planning today

Plan now to use your Transformation Journal daily.  The following ways will help you receive the maximum benefits from your journal. Download Now: Transformation Journal 2022 YEARLY  *List miracles, blessings and significant events from the following year *Write your GOALS for the upcoming year.   MONTHLY *List your GOALS FOR THE MONTH.    WEEKLY  *For…
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person holding string lights photo

subconscious brain runs your body

I’ve received a great deal of feedback on last weeks piece citing the studies on how the way we think has a direct impact on the expression of our DNA and overall health.  This is a very hot subject right now and is commonly referred to as the brain-body connection.  But how does this work?…
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blue skies

our cells are healthy or sick based?

  This week I am teaching the inner workings of our individual cells and it occurred to me that there are some revelations of the cell that everyone should know about.  You see, we think of ourselves as individuals, but in reality we are a skin covered community of about 75 trillion different citizens called…
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extra sugar

I really had every intention to leave sugar alone for a while, but a recent article from the Journal of Experimental Medicine has changed my mind. If you thought the extra sugar you and your kids ate at Easter had little or only a short term effect, think again.  This latest research has shown that…
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bearing a grudge had an association with chronic back and neck problems, arthritis, and frequent headaches

As a veteran chiropractor, I’ve seen my share of back pain.  It may come as a surprise that most people afflicted with back pain don’t have any idea what caused their back to “go out.” Many of the insurance companies have sought to uncover the cause of back pain through numerous studies.  Unfortunately, the only…
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prevent self-sabotage

Certainly there are several effective strategies out there to help with weight loss and promote a healthy way of eating.  I came across this recent study and wanted to share it with you to prevent self-sabotage when it comes to preventing weight gain. Researchers from Northwestern University have found that eating at the wrong time…
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epigenetics with a new outlook on DNA

Last week I began the discussion of a new science called epigenetics with a new outlook on DNA.  The research supporting epigenetics shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including our lifestyle and anything to which we are exposed.  Epigenetics has…
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