- Determine your Vertebral Subluxation Score, VSC Index and your NeuroSpinal Functional Index, NSFI. Then start various chiropractic adjustments and chiropractic techniques to improve these scores by removing interference to your spine and allowing your body to heal itself. This style of treatment will start getting you out of pain and start moving you out of Crisis and into Wellness.

2. Determine your Wellness Score. Start adjunctive therapies and life style modifications to help hold your adjustments and remove subluxations thus allowing your body to heal itself. This style of care will start moving you from Crisis/Average to Wellness.

3. To create a habit of Wellness and Preventative Lifestyle. From your VSC, NSFI and Back to Life Scores we create a habit of Wellness to Optimize your health and create Wellness lifestyle by utilizing a Cheat Sheet or Check List to health and the Back to Life System categories. Meeting one health goal at a time snowballing to Wellness.

4. Help others. Join “Team Mission” by giving back to your family, business, church, community, and world by living and teaching a Wellness Lifestyle.