Crash Fitness Center is our seasonal fitness center at Back to Life Chiropractic. It is open from May – November 4 (to November 22) depending on weather conditions. It concentrates on Circuit Training and Soccer training. The great thing about Crash Fitness Center is that all the programs it teaches can be replicated at home. This includes the workouts as well as the soccer trainings. If you want to get more advanced then just modify the program station with new exercise or training. Creating fundamental habits is key to success in working out and soccer or any sport.
Crash Fitness Center Forms
Full Body Circuit Training
- Dynamic Warm up
- Full Body Workout
- Posture
- Stretching and Intracell
- Bonus: TRX stretch and workout
- Under 45 minutes and over 400 calories with Fat Burn
Soccer Training
Our soccer training is based on a philosophy that your first four ball movements need to be innate and super fast. The difference between an okay player and great player is speed of play and being mentally capable of doing it for whole game. It combines circuit training with fundamental soccer basics and Coerver ball skills in a way that makes it flow in easy way to create great soccer habits.
- Individual and Group
- Coerver Ball Skills
- Circuit Training
- Dynamic Warm Up
- Stretching and Intracell
- dribbling, passing, throw ins, shooting, shielding, moving, asking for ball, sprinting
- mental: visualizing and building confidence
- Fun, Freedom, Confidence
We utilize the Pro Seconds app for circuit training section (see below to download).
We utilize the Coerver Skills app for ball skills.
Rhinos that have trained with our Soccer Program have made their Middle School soccer team, High School soccer team, ODP (Olympic Developmental Program) Soccer, OSC (Oldham County Soccer Club), Kentucky Fire Club (now Mockingbird Valley Soccer Club), & Louisville City FC Academy.
Leave No One to Their Own Devices Challenge
Since the Crash Fitness Center is seasonal (closed during winter) we converted our Full Body Workout to be done at home in very small space. We, also, made a child version so they can also do the program. With the alarming rate of childhood obesity due to lack of exercise due to computer gaming, social media, phone time and expensive club sports we came up with the “Leave No One to Their Own Devices Challenge”. There no excuses for not working out. We tried the program in large room and small bedroom with no space hardly at all. We actually train the Leave No One to Their Own Devices Challenge routine in small workout space in our office. So, no more excuses get your cardio HIIT, full body workout, posture exercises, stretching and muscle device routine all done under 45 minutes. Adults and kids can do together. Use form below to set up your appointment to get trained!!
- Full Body Circuit Training
- Dynamic Warm Up
- Posture
- Stretching and Intracell
- Under 45 Minutes
- Over 400 Calories with Fat Burn
- All Done at home in very small area if needed
Crash Fitness Center Forms

Crash Fitness Payment
Pay For Your Back to Life Chiropractic Crash Fitness Center Service: