9HM6+PM La Grange, Kentucky
(502) 241-1122

Tag: chiropractic

Back To Life Chiropractic

Living with Purpose Living Longer

Time Magazine summarized much of the medical research on a subject very dear to me.  In a very nice article titled “The Science of Living Longer,” the authors covered many of the lifestyle factors considered keys to longevity.  In the article, they cited the importance of omega 3 fatty acids from fish/flax oil, and eating vegetables. …
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Episode 1 The Blue Monster

We are dusting off an old classic from our YouTube Channel.  Episode 1 The Blue Monster

woman sitting on a yoga ball with arms raised

Dispelling Myths

As a chiropractor, I spend much of my time clearing up misconceptions and educating on how human physiology and the art of chiropractic actually works.  On of the biggest myths hanging over the chiropractic profession is the famous, “Once you start going, ‘they’ want you to keep going forever.”A better way of looking at this…
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A drugless approach to boosting your immune system

One of the studies that showed the effects of chiropractic on the immune system was in 1989 by Ronald Pero, Ph.D.  Dr. Pero was the chief cancer prevention researcher at New York University.  Since cancer is recognized as an immune system problem, Dr. Pero decided to check the immune systems of people under chiropractic care…
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Speed up your first visit by downloading your New Patient Forms and filling them out before your visit

Save time by filling out your new patient forms before your exam. New Patient Registration Forms New Patient PHQ

Dr. Schuler’s Confession

I didn’t start out wanting to be a chiropractor.   My mom’s brother is a chiropractor and would adjust us when we were young during holidays and family gatherings.  I never had an experience after one of those adjustments that made me go wow I want to be a chiropractor or want to get my mom…
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Interested in Chiropractic? Get Back to Life

Want to Learn more about Chiropractic and Back to Life Chiropractic then watch one of New Patient Orientations. This one is little outdated but still a great orientation to chiropractic at Back to Life Chiropractic. Learn about: · Sickness Care vs. Wellness Prevention Care · Health Care Attitudes · Economics of Illness and how to save money · Pain…
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Seek Chiropractic Care after an Auto Accident

Have you been in an auto accident?    You might be surprised to learn that chiropractic care can provide a drug-free way to relieve your pain. For instance, if you have back pain or neck pain after being involved in a car accident, this could mean you have a spinal or whiplash injury. If you…
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Benefits of Chiropractic for Kids

Benefits of Chiropractic for Kids: Sleep Better Normal Bowel Movements Higher Resistance Balance Autonomic Nervous System:  ADD & ADHD Prevent Future Spinal Problems:  scoliosis Reduce Ear Infections Establish Correct Curvature of Spine:  prevent poor posture and degeneration