9HM6+PM La Grange, Kentucky
(502) 241-1122

Tag: health

Back To Life Chiropractic

woman sitting on a yoga ball with arms raised

Dispelling Myths

As a chiropractor, I spend much of my time clearing up misconceptions and educating on how human physiology and the art of chiropractic actually works.  On of the biggest myths hanging over the chiropractic profession is the famous, “Once you start going, ‘they’ want you to keep going forever.”A better way of looking at this…
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blue skies

our cells are healthy or sick based?

  This week I am teaching the inner workings of our individual cells and it occurred to me that there are some revelations of the cell that everyone should know about.  You see, we think of ourselves as individuals, but in reality we are a skin covered community of about 75 trillion different citizens called…
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woman doing yoga inside a room

the true essence of health and disease

The Debate Is Over   From the beginning, scientists, researchers and philosophers have debated over what is the true essence of health and disease.  Is it nature or is it nurture?  Are we victims to our genes or is our environment a bigger factor?  Two recent studies should bring some closure to the debate. Neuroscience…
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