9HM6+PM La Grange, Kentucky
(502) 241-1122

Tag: hip pain

Back To Life Chiropractic

Hip and Back Pain gone after 18 years

“Before seeking chiropractic care I was getting hip and back pain.  I had been living this way for 18 years.   I tried physical therapy, exercising, stretching, ice, warm baths and ibuprofen but didn’t get any better.  After 6 months of of weekly adjustments my hip/groin pain is gone for the first time in 18 years. …
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Spinal Curvatures and Sacro-Iliac Problems possible problems from a Sacral Subluxation and more….Hip and Buttock pain

Problems caused by a Sacrum Subluxation       A subluxation is a minor misalignment of the spine causing nerve interference.   Your body communicates from the brain through the spinal cord, spinal nerves and peripheral nervous system.  Your body communicates back to the brain through your nervous system.   Your nerves are like wires but much more delicate.   They…
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