9HM6+PM La Grange, Kentucky
(502) 241-1122

Tag: pain

Back To Life Chiropractic

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Is back pain really a back problem, or is it a health problem

As a chiropractor, I see all kinds of physical complaints and pains especially involving the back.  I recently heard a speaker ask the question, “Is back pain really a back problem, or is it a health problem?”  The point he was making is that pain is not really the problem.  Pain is a programmed response…
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Feeling Sluggish and Over Weight after Covid Quarantine? Time to reset your body with PaleoCleanse Plus Detox Program

PALEOCLEANSE PLUS™ DETOX PROGRAM SKU: PPP14D : KITPaleoCleanse Plus™ is a comprehensive, science-based nutrition program designed to support safe and effective detoxification. The main protein source is HydroBEEF™, a highly concentrated, pure bone broth protein produced through an exclusive proprietary process that allows the protein to be hydrolyzed into more peptides, resulting in easier absorption and…
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Back to Life Goal #1

Determine your Vertebral Subluxation Score, VSC Index and your NeuroSpinal Functional Index, NSFI.   Then start various chiropractic adjustments and chiropractic techniques to improve these scores by removing interference to your spine and allowing your body to heal itself.    This style of treatment will start getting  you out of pain and start moving you out…
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Find our more about your Subluxations

Find out more about your subluxations Dr. Schuler has marked on your Nerve Chart or Subluxation Tracker card using the Subluxation Tracker section of our website. A subluxation is a minor misalignment of the spine causing nerve interference.   Your body communicates from the brain through the spinal cord, spinal nerves and peripheral nervous system.  Your…
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Any sudden sheering or jerking motion to the neck and head in any direction is considered as whiplash! Usually, the neck and head will recoil very quickly in the opposite direction. The most common cause of Whiplash? CAR ACCIDENTS! Varied physical injuries may result: trauma to arteries and nerves; dislocated or broken bones; strained or…
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