Yes, we are going to talk about that today. So, before you roll your eyes and think oh great, another lecture on eating, how about you ask yourself what you have done to follow advice on good or better health/healthy habits.
Take your time, I’ll be here.
Now, that you have thought about that for a bit, we do have some tips for you that may vary from the usual fare.
- Have spinal check-ups, regularly. Yep, if your nerves aren’t in tip-top shape, the rest doesn’t have the proper foundation to stand on.
- Provide your body with a well balanced diet. You can still have your favorite foods, but far less often should you be eating double chocolate ice-cream instead of fresh fruits, veggies and lean meats. Rewards yourself for good eating instead of punishing yourself with too many treats and processed food.
- Insist upon adequate rest. I know it’s hard, but recording your favorite show for another night is a better way to catch up on much needed sleep, than sleeping in during the morning. And don’t forget to give yourself 10-20 minutes here or there to just close your eyes in a quiet space to meditate or have a mental rest.
- Plan a regular exercise program. It doesn’t have to be a lot at first, 10-20 minutes walking up and down your street or at the park, is easy, low impact and helps to keep blood flowing and strengthens muscles. It can also help improve posture.
- Stress good posture habits. Yep, posture helps a lot. Correcting your posture helps you breath well, relieve pain, hold adjustments better, and strengthen the muscles properly during exercise routines, including walking.
Good health habits are important. Talk to your chiropractor today if you have questions about any of the information listed above. They are here to help!