Do you know how to sit properly?
When sitting properly, your lower back should press back into the chair while your feet rest flat on the floor or on support. Use arm rests when possible.
If you are sitting for long periods shift your position from time to time.
Proper sitting posture also applies when you are behind the wheel. Move the seat far enough forward to allow elbows and knees to be slightly bent as you reach for the steering wheel and pedals. Use a cushion or other support for your back if the car seat is not comfortable enough. Avoid slouching while driving.
The pressure within your discs is generally greater when sitting then standing. It is, therefore, extremely important to avoid potential damaging situations. If you can not maintain proper lumbar curvature then posture supports should be used. Visit the Back to Life Store to purchase the right one for you Today!
Cervical Roll$42.00
Hibak Rest$55.75
Sitback Rest Standard$42.00
So sit up straight!