Last week I began the discussion of a new science called epigenetics with a new outlook on DNA. The research supporting epigenetics shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including our lifestyle and anything to which we are exposed. Epigenetics has proven that it is our environment and the choices we make that determine our health and future well-being. The science behind this shows that DNA is always changing and that it is less important what genetic make-up we received from our parents than the “expression” of our DNA as it adapts to environment.
I have said that our bodies our only as healthy as the health of our individual cells. It is DNA that is responsible for reproducing new cells as old cells die. The “expression” of DNA will change in response to our environment in order for new cells to survive and thrive in that situation. What this all means is that with a healthy lifestyle and environment our new cells will be designed for optimal function and health. But with an unhealthy lifestyle, our new cells will be designed not to thrive, but to survive to unhealthy factors whether those be poor diet, high stress, lower air quality or countless others. In other words, our choices make all the difference. In fact, scientists studying epigenetics believe that the change in DNA as a result of our choices and environment are the primary factors that contribute to cancer, diabetes and almost every other disease plaguing mankind. For much more information on this subject, look up any work by Dr. Bruce Lipton.
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