Time Magazine summarized much of the medical research on a subject very dear to me. In a very nice article titled “The Science of Living Longer,” the authors covered many of the lifestyle factors considered keys to longevity. In the article, they cited the importance of omega 3 fatty acids from fish/flax oil, and eating vegetables. They found that omega 3’s actually decreased the aging factor in our genes and chromosomes. They also reported on the value of exercise for all ages showing that seniors who participated in resistance training with weights improved not only strength, but also memory, decision making and balance even at advanced ages. The authors also discussed the importance of healthy brain DNA as an indicator of longevity. This ties in with material I’ve reported in the past that showed brain health is dependent on nerve input from the spine; explaining why regular exercise, movement, and chiropractic adjustments have been linked to enhance brain DNA and general wellness. Movement of the spine and how it relates to the brain and nervous system is critical for healthy aging.

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Even Dr. Oz chimed in his opinion as he believes everyone could live to 100. In his summary of the keys to longevity he covered many of the items I’ve focused in this column. For instance, he also argues that DNA does not equal destiny and that lifestyle factors greatly influence the outcome of our DNA and our health. He stresses daily physical activity to improve bone strength and function of the nervous system in order to improve balance and prevent falls. He also recommends getting fifteen minutes of sun exposure every day or taking a vitamin D to supplement. To eat, he recommends choosing foods that look the same when you eat them as when they come out of the ground. He also recommends getting at least seven hours of sleep per night to enhance human growth factor. The biggest recommendation to longevity from Dr. Oz is to have and live by a meaningful purpose whether that purpose is your family, your work, or your community. Purpose gives you a reason to live!
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