One of the easiest ways to help hold your adjustments and take pressure of your discs & spinal joints is to lay on your Tri-Core pillow everyday. Your cervical spine, neck, was designed to have a anterior curve to distribute stress normally. That is why bridges and damns are built C shaped. By laying on your pillow face up with the pillow at the base of your neck you are putting the curve back into your neck preventing neck pain and holding your chiropractic adjustments. Often people buy pillows and do not like them because they are not getting adjusted regularly and cause more pain with the abnormal movement to subluxated vertebral segments. So, lay on your pillow 2 or 3 times a day for at least 20 minutes, get adjusted, and prevent neck pain. Tri-core pillows are available at our office and online store.
Not sure if you have lost your spinal curvature? A simple 2 view cervical x-ray can determine if you have lost the curvature of your spine. Set up a time to get x-rayed.

Tricore Pillow
Tri-Core® Pillow
Redesigned Tri Core® pillow features high-resiliency fiberfill that springs back when compressed for exceptional comfort and durability. Stripe-patterned cover has a plush, expensive look and feel. •Two different sized lobes provide a better fit for different sized sleepers
•Side lobes are taller for side sleeping
•Tricore pillow size 24″ x 16″
•Available in standard and gentle firmness
•One year warranty for Tricore pillow
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