This week I am teaching the inner workings of our individual cells and it occurred to me that there are some revelations of the cell that everyone should know about. You see, we think of ourselves as individuals, but in reality we are a skin covered community of about 75 trillion different citizens called cells. Just like any community, the health of a culture depends on the health of its individuals. In other words, we are as healthy as our individual cells. As our cells stay healthy, so do we, but every illness out there begins with illness or dysfunction of individual cells. So the key to health is to live in way that promotes the well-being of every individual cell.

We are taught that our cells are healthy or sick based on our DNA or our genetics and that we are victims to our inherited genes. However, Harvard recently released evidence stating that genetics accounts for only 25% of our outcomes and results. What really controls our destiny? It is our environment. In other words what we eat, drink, and breathe, and how we exercise, sleep and think makes a much bigger impact on our health and future wellness than the genetic hand that we have been dealt. This may seem overwhelming because it means we are all accountable for our choices and every choice we make has some kind of impact at a cellular level. But I want you to see this as good news because it puts us in control rather than some genetic fate. If you are not satisfied with your current state of health, start making different choices! This fresh outlook on DNA is part of a new biology called epigenetics and I plan to share more of this new science.
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